Stereotypes (an oversimplified, widely held fixed image or idea of a particular type/group of person or thing) can be both positive and negative. In this assignment, students will look for examples of racial stereotypes in mass media (TV, film or advertising) to breakdown the impacts these stereotypes.
1. Introduction: In this assignment we’re going to look at stereotypes in media and work to breakdown the stigma and negative impacts these can have.
2. Have students read This is why everyday racial profiling is so dangerous. Ask students:
2. Students are to select a TV show, film or advertising campaign (approved by teacher) to analyze. Some examples include:
3. Students create a presentation to the class on what they learned
4. Option: Students create an awareness campaign on the lessons of stereotyping and microaggressions in the media to share at school
Stereotypes (an oversimplified, widely held fixed image or idea of a particular type/group of person or thing) can be both positive and negative. In this assignment, students will look for examples of racial stereotypes in mass media (TV, film or advertising) to breakdown the impacts these stereotypes.